Sunday, April 3, 2011


Happy Anniversary to The Kuala Lumpur Train Station! A Grand old lady in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, still diligently serving it's people without grouse. One would expect fireworks and celebrations during this time, and yet, it's people no longer cares about you, despite housing offices inside your very being. Perhaps this is the mindset of us Malaysians towards our Buildings of National Heritage, least of course you are owned by some big Mega Corporation who would restore you and care for your every luxury fitting.

Yes the Kuala Lumpur Train Station is now over 100 Years old. No celebrations. No Birthday cake. No more words of comfort or festivity. What gives? I passed the building by today, and I feel so sad. So much can be done, as I had great plans for the building when working there. I wanted it to become a living museum, where people can stay and interact with an era gone by .... I called this "The Community Hotel Model".

Anyhow, as a small tribute to the hotel I am leaving you with an article that was published by Kosmo Newspaper in Bahasa Malaysia by Zamri Rambli.

"Hampir enam tahun bermastautin di Kuala Lumpur, bahkan paling kurang seminggu sekali melalui Bangunan Stesen Kereta Api, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, memang penulis mengakui ia satu 'kesalahan besar'. Ini kerana inilah kali pertama penulis menjejaki ke The Heritage Station Hotel (THSH) Kuala Lumpur yang berlokasi di bangunan warisan negara.

Walaupun pernah dua kali menaiki tren dari bangunan itu, namun beberapa kali penulis terpaksa membuat pengesahan dengan rakan setugas mengenai pintu masuk hotel tersebut. Ia memang agak memalukan.

Namun, itulah pengalaman penulis. Bahkan, tidak mustahil kebanyakan daripada 1.8 juta warga Kuala Lumpur juga mungkin mempunyai cerita yang hampir sama. Yang pasti, berdiri sebagai hotel bajet di sebuah bangunan lama menuntut kesungguhan dan kerja kuat 'pemain' belakang tabirnya."

You can read the full article here.

Have a Good Centennial - The Kuala Lumpur Train Station! I hope one day, someone will come to take care and treat you like a grand lady, which you so rightly deserve ......


Jafri Merican said...

Congratulations on the centennial of this great building. May she see many more years to come.

Omar said...

I stumbled on your blog recently while looking for information on the King's Pavilion (KP) in Kuala Kangsar.I noted from A.B.Hubback's submission to the RIBA, it includes the Residence for High Commissioner, Kuala Kangsar. King's Pavilion is the name given to the High Commissioner's Residence.The building was given to the Malay College after the formation of the Federation of Malaya in 1948. I was a resident of this beautiful mansion as a new student of Malay College in 1955. The building is now a girl's school called SMK Raja perempuan Kelsom.
I commend you on your effort to keep alive the memory of A.B. Hubback.

The Lab Ratz said...

Hello Omar, thanks for your comments! Very interesting piece of information you have there. And I was wondering where was the High Commissioner's Residence was in Kuala Kangsar! I shall look into it. Once again, thanks for the comments and for dropping by!

Omar said...

The Lab Ratz, The picture you posted on the Facebook is NOT that of King's Pavilion designed by A.B. Hubback. I have today posted the correct one.

The Lab Ratz said...

Hello En. Omar, yes, I have noted and thanks for the correction! Much appreciated!

serviced offices kuala lumpur said...

They should commission the century-old train station to become an interesting spot for tourists and visitors.

Anonymous said...

This architectural gem deserves better treatment and greater respect from Malaysians including the govt. Alas it is treated just as an ordinary old building which they dare not destroy but they do not want to put it to good use either.

I just shot this majestic edifice last Friday evening when the lighting was so flattering perhaps caused by supermoon phenomenon.

Check out the photos here -->

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